It is a representative textile factory
in the 1950's that led modernization
of industry and the starting point
of Samsung manufacturing history.
Korea became the poorest country in
the world after the Liberation and the
Korean War.
Hoam formed a faith that make
contributions to the national and social
through business amid severe
social chaos. The beginning of that faith
the establishment of Cheil
Industries Corporation.
In 1956, just two years after the start
of construction, the company had a
facility (15,000 pieces) at
a large-scale factory area(75,000 acreages)
and produced rose thread
and corduroy tex.
In 1960, they completed the largest factory
in Asia formed a consistent production pro-
such as consumption, spinning,
dyeing, service and processing and led the
Korean textile industry.
The early history of
this foundation contributed greatly to the
construction of a self-sustaining
in the Republic of Korea and Samsung
became a first-class company.
*Korea news produced this video in 1956.