It is the building where the history of
Samsung was started.
It is a space for
cultivating from ‘Nothing’ to ‘existence’
in the dark age.
Landscape of Samsung Trading Company
in the year 1938
The history of Samsung started in a small
building near Daegu Seomun Market.
In 1938
March, Starting with One phone and
40 employees,
we collected fruits and
vegetables from
around Daegu and dried fish
on the east coast and
exported them to
China. In front of the building, It
was always
crowded with bicycles and oxcarts
brought by
the wholesaler and retailer.
With promoter of
Samsung C&T
Hoam in the trading
company office
Hoam, who was 29 years old at the time of its
founding combines the number “3” meaning
“big, strong, and perfect” with the word
“sung” meaning “bright, high, and shining
forever” and he called
it “Samsung”.
He put up a sign with the initiative “Bigger,
Stronger, Forever.”
In 1941, Samsung Trading Company
established a factory framework.
On the first floor, a noodle factory equipped
a milling machine and a noodle-making
machine was settled with an office,
a reception room
and an Korean floor heating
room. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors was
converted into the dried noodles place.
Samsung Trading Company that was a height
of 13m
and four stories above ground was the
most prominent
building in the Daegu
Seomun market where most of
the seats
were in the seating area. After the liberation,
until they developed into Samsung
Corporation and
moved it to Seoul, Against
the location condition of
‘running in all
directions’ across the country, we have
engaged in large-scale commercial activity.
Sangliang-door that is discovered during the
restoration process was hidden at the ridge
beam what is 4th floor central top member of
framework.The value of the Trading Company
Sangliang-door is high as an early-stage con-
struction material symbolizing the start of
full-scale corporate management.
Samsung Trading
Company Sangliang-door
(at the time of the
expansion in 1941)
Put emphasis on
frugal and practical
value Founder’s
pleasantly plain and
intimate office, a
drawing room
and an
ondol-room has been
Permit Application
(At the time of
the extension in 1941)